Hope for a return

I’ve started this post as an update to share with you. But the more I wrote, the quicker it turned into some sort of an excuse married with complaining. The type of thing that only drags your chin down instead of blowing wind into your sails.

April and May are a blur. Well, the latter is still kicking, but it won’t be long before it makes room for June. These past weeks have been strange. I did converse with my mother some time ago, before the virus, about how swiftly the years went by.  But these past several weeks have been ridiculous… It feels like I blinked them away.

And now I am unsure of how to end this post. Guess, I simply wanted to share how I felt. Times are changing in a manner we were unprepared for and unwilling to prepare for. I don’t know how long this is going to take. But this reminds me of my own saying “after the darkest night, comes the brightest dawn.” and like Bob Ross once said he was waiting on the good times, so am I waiting for when the pre-virus normality will return. And despite it sounding like a pep-talk for the reader, it feels directed to myself. Maybe I am an idiot clinging to something that will never happen. But I realized how much I have been taking for granted the things that have now been taken away. And, like many others, I simply want them back.